Design. Build. Consult.
This is where our story begins. With a small chisel and a piece of eucalyptus, Jenn began exploring how nature rich environments impact children’s learning, development, social capacities, confidence and joy. From this foundation Urban Discovery has developed into a specialised company offering consultation, design and construction for organisations who wish to incorporate natural landscapes as a foundational aspect of education, therapy and best practice service. Click below to find out more.
The Wildplace Discovery Playground
Landscapes which invite children to engage with the natural world invoke curiosity, exploration and wonder. The Wildplace returns autonomy of play and learning to the child as central. Consideration for the indigenous state of the landscape is prioritised and restoration of ecosystems are implemented wherever possible. Therapeutic elements are included in every Wildplace we create, promoting opportunities for children and adults to restore and improve health and wellbeing. Take a closer look.
Project Based Learning Experiences
The Living Project creates opportunities for children and educators to make meaningful connections with their Wildplace and with each another. This Project Based Learning model is an intentional teaching tool which invites educators and children to collaborate on a journey of learning and discovery. Through a series of incursions and creative activities led by one of our specialist team, children develop complex thinking skills, imagination, cooperation, research skills, communication and documentation. Click below to explore project topics or call us to discuss your ideas.
Mentor Support for Educators
Re-Discover is a custom designed mentor and training program curated specifically for education teams. Facilitated by our experienced and passionate Educators, you will investigate the natural learning environment and come to understand it as your ally. You will delve into the nature of play and develop confidence in articulating the value it offers children.
Through reflective practise, open discussion and guided learning, educators will develop their own relationship with the natural world and become confident guides for children as they explore and learn together. If you are ready to incorporate play within nature as a fundamental component of your best practice service delivery then please contact us today.
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