The Children’s Garden will entice you with scent and sound, the rustle of leaves, the trickle of water, birdsong. You will test your balance as you reach to touch the softness of the foliage and collect the flowers that grow there. You will dip your toes into the pond you’ve made and feel the strength of your body as you lift lengths of bamboo to build a cubby for your game. You feel at home here, empowered by the freedom to determine your own way, within your play.
Therapeutic Elements
“May I grow so tall and bright, so free and wild, so brave and vibrant that when you see me standing you think I am a sunflower.” - Gaby Compres
Therapeutic elements are included in every playground we create, promoting opportunities for children and adults to restore and improve their health and wellbeing.
These therapeutic qualities come primarily through meaningful engagement with nature and the elements.
The benefits are rich and wide reaching. They include improved:
physical health - respiration, sleep, fitness, immune function, vision, balance, coordination, motor function, reduction of disease and inflammation
mental health - cognitive function, mood, behaviour, attention, reduction in depression, anxiety, loneliness, stress
spiritual health - being, belonging, becoming
These therapeutic elements are accessible to all children and their positive outcomes are available for all, through both formal and informal use.
We have developed this unique approach to playground design through our many years observing children and play, the latest research on human health and wellbeing and a desire to restore and regenerative native landscapes wherever possible. Our considered design allows for quiet contemplation and exuberance, both at once, within an environment curated for wonder, curiosity, wellbeing and safety.
We would love to create a Children’s Garden for your service. Please contact us to arrange a free introductory consultation.