What happens when children are free to learn?
Within a natural landscape children engage in authentic, immersive and creative play. Such environments invite children to explore, experiment and investigate. This freedom of play allows risk taking of both a physical and emotional nature, supporting the development of children’s will, self esteem, risk assessment and capacity for learning.
“Get out from your house, from your cave, from your car.
From the place you feel safe from the place that you are.
Get out and go running, go funning, go wild.
Get out from your head and get growing, dear child.” - Dallas Clayton
The Wild PLace
The Children’s Gardens we create are carefully and intentionally designed to incorporate natural ecosystems. They also incorporate therapeutic elements, sensory nourishment, risk taking opportunities, loose parts, collaborative play provocations, areas for social exploration, pockets for respite and more. Through their play, children develop physical, social and cognitive skills. And they cultivate joy.
We have developed this unique approach to playground design through our many years observing children and play, the latest research on human health and wellbeing and a desire to restore and regenerate native landscapes wherever possible.
The Wildplace returns autonomy of play and learning to the child as central and nurtures within each child a sense of curiosity, wonder and awe.
We would love to create a Wildplace for your service. Please contact us to arrange a free introductory consultation or view examples of Wildplaces in our photo gallery.