Loose parts play is at the heart of nature play and within our wild outdoor discovery spaces, water, sand, sticks, leaves, bark, flowers, stones, seed pods and feathers can be collected, combined, moved around and tinkered with, empowering children to control their environment by embracing self directed play and learning opportunities.
Loose Parts
“What a difference there is between...playthings that leave as much as possible to the power of imagination and giving finished toys that leave nothing for the child’s own inner activity.” - Rudolf Steiner
Dotted amongst logs and rocks, indigenous plants produce a wondrous cycle of seeds, pods, buds and flowers. This versatile, ever changing landscape provides children with a diverse range of ‘loose parts’ to incorporate within their play.
In addition to nature’s loose parts that come with our outdoor spaces, we also have a variety of hand crafted loose parts available or we can custom make something for you.
Loose Parts are versatile, interesting and most often, easily sourced. On our resources page you will find loose parts guides, suggestions and research to support you to incorporate loose parts within your service.